Scotiacon 2025

Dealers' Den Relaxed Hour (Sunday)
2025-02-09 , Island

New for 2025 - dimmed lights, reduced capacity and lower noise levels to help those attendees who may find the Den experience overwhelming, a chance to enjoy, browse and purchase some of our dealers’ fine wares in a more relaxed atmosphere.

We want our Dealers’ Den to be approachable by as many people as possible and that’s why, this year, we’re introducing a “Relaxed Hour” on the Sunday morning of the Den timetable. During this hour we’ll be dimming the lights, reducing the attendee capacity of the Den to make it a little calmer, and asking both attendees and dealers to mindfully keep their conversations a little quieter than they may tend to usually. We hope that this will give any of our attendees who may find the usual Den environment a bit overwhelming to enjoy an opportunity to browse and purchase some of our dealers’ fine wares in a more relaxed atmosphere.

We won’t be restricting access to the Den to other attendees over this period, but we would ask you to consider attending the Den at an alternate time if you’re comfortable with the usual lively Den atmosphere so that those attendees that will benefit the most have the opportunity to access the Den over the Relaxed Hour.