Scotiacon 2025

GamesMaster: Bubble Bubble, Joysticks and Trouble
2025-02-08 , Castle Stage

GamesMaster returns with our own spin on the show that's sure to leave you spellbound! Join our contestants as they attempt to beat a selection of fiendishly difficult magical themed gaming challenges, to try and win a coveted golden joystick trophy.

Magical themed games where we call contestants on stage to take part in gaming challenges, with a selection of comedy skit adverts and reviews between challenges. Usually ends with an audience round or two and we dish out trophies to whoever wins.

Hello! I'm Scritch! I'm big on all things gaming be that video games, tabletop, or board games! Usually found at conventions running GamesMaster in some form or another - I've run 7 of the things now and don't seem to want to stop for some reason. When people don't watch them maybe I might give it up. Eventually. Catch me at a con to talk Sonic or DnD and I promise not to stop talking for AT LEAST an hour. You have been warned.

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