2025-02-09 –, Orkney
Come and learn to play the Asian tile game of mahjong! We will play Riichi, the Japanese version of mahjong for four players. The session will begin with a short introduction to how to play the game, followed by the chance to play some hands.
A hands-on introduction to Japanese mahjong! Blujay has informally introduced some furs to mahjong the last couple of Scotiacons using an available table near the lobby. We would love to make it an official event this time and be able to accommodate more people, following on from the well-attended tutorial we hosted at NordicFuzzCon 2024.
Blujay is a fox formerly from Glasgow (but now living in Germany), and has been at every Scotiacon since 2016. Besides furry, one of his main hobbies is mahjong, which he was first introduced to by a Japanese teacher at school. In recent years he has got into the competitive scene, and he plays in tournaments all around Europe.