Scotiacon 2025 - Events System

Hey, nice to meet you!

We are glad that you want to contribute to our event with your proposal. Let us get started, this will not take long.

Make sure to read the descriptions below each field to guide you on what we are looking for! If you get stuck, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected].

Name of the Proposed Event This content will be shown publicly.

Please categorise your proposal, if nothing fits, please pick 'Other’.

This is the description that will be featured in the Conbook and Schedule. Please keep it short and snappy! Please write at most 100 words.

Now you have caught our attention with a catchy title and Conbook teaser, tell us all about your proposal! Please write at most 200 words.

These are internal notes to the Events team, these are not public. Please flag anything you need, ask us any questions, tell us about any risks or if you need anything to make this proposal possible. AV, Creative and Room Set-Up Requirements are to be listed on the NEXT page so that we can properly collate and distribute to the relevant teams.

The automatic assumption will be that you consent for this session to be recorded by the Con for the purposes outlined in the Privacy Policy. If you do NOT consent to this session being recorded, please tick this box.

Use this if you want an illustration to go with your proposal. Please do not upload files larger than 10.0MB! Allowed filetypes: .gif, .jpeg, .jpg, .png, .svgThis content will be shown publicly.

The session will be given the default time shown in the 'Session Type' indicator. If you think you need MORE or LESS time than shown, please estimate and write here how long you think you will need. This does NOT include set-up or teardown time.

Leave empty to use the default duration for the session type.

If you have a co-speaker, please add their email address here, and we will invite them to create an account. If you have more than one co-speaker, you can add more speakers after finishing the proposal process.